Wisdom Tooth Pain Tablets in Pakistan

What is wisdom tooth?

Wisdom tooth or third molar is the last one, which normally appears after 18 years. Sometime it appears many years later. Majority of people’s jaws are best fit for 28 teeth, we got few people, who have jaws to cover all 32 teeth.

Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom tooth pain comes out from nowhere. It can erupt in anytime without any warning; therefore always prepare yourself for wisdom toot pain. Take some necessary X-rays and figure out, either the pain comes out from wisdom tooth or molar tooth. 
Precaution: Do not Use Any Medicine Without Doctor’s Prescription 

Which medicine should I take for the relief of wisdom tooth pain?

There are number of pain killer and anti-inflammatory tablets, which are being used for the relief of wisdom tooth pain, such as Anorcid and Sanid, containing FLURBIPROFEN. Anorcid and Sanid is anti-inflammatory and analgesic tablets. Flagyl and Amoxil is also being used for the treat infection. 

Wisdom Tooth Pain Tablets 

SANID and ANORCID 100mg Tablet containing (Flubiprofen)
SANID and ANORCID contains FLUBIPROFEN and which is being used to reduce pain and inflammation in teeth. Flubiprofen is being used as a pain killer for teeth pain. It is also used to treat joint pain of arthritis. FLUBIPROFEN is derived from propionic acid during 1960s, which also discovered ibuprofen and diclofenac etc.  Symptoms of this disease includes
SANID 100mg Tablet (Flubiprofen)
SANID contains FLUBIPROFEN and which is being used to reduce pain and inflammation. SANID is being used as a pain killer for teeth pain. It is also used to treat joint pain of arthritis. FLUBIPROFEN is derived from propionic acid during 1960s, which also discovered ibuprofen and diclofenac etc. Symptoms of this disease includes
Pain in teeth
Jaw pain
SANID 100mg Tablet
(Flurbiprofen) BP
Sanid 100mg tablet
Each tablet contains Flurbiprofen (BP) 100mg
Tooth Pain, Inflammation, Jaw pain
Rough Diagnose (Not Valid)
Infection, Inflammation, Pain
According to doctor’s prescription
Per tablet price in Pakistan
Rs 7.1
ANORCID 100mg Tablet
(Flurbiprofen) BP
Anorcid 100mg tablet
Each tablet contains Flurbiprofen (BP) 100mg
Tooth Pain, Inflammation, Jaw pain
Rough Diagnose (Not Valid)
Infection, Inflammation, Pain
According to Doctor’s Prescription
Per tablet price in Pakistan
Rs 5.8

How To Lose Belly Fat?

Belly Fat

I think you are worried to lose belly fat, because it looks ugly. Secondly, overweight does not mean you are not healthy BUT it’s a physical problem. Nowadays majority of people have metabolic problems, which leads to obesity. It means, you have to be health conscious while taking your meal.
How I know that, I got a belly fat?
It’s a simple tape measure processor, through which you can easily figure out, either you got a belly fat or not?
For Men: Above 40 inches (102 cm) belly
For Women: Above 35 inches (88 cm) belly

How to get rid of belly fat?

Now the question is how to get rid or how to lose belly fat? Today I am going to give you lots of amazing tips, through which you can easily lose belly fat.

Do Exercise or work to lose belly fat

You cannot imagine the power of exercise and work, because it can lose belly fat within a month. Why I started my point with exercise, it’s because nowadays majority of people are eating fast foods without doing any physical work. Exercise also reduce blood sugar level, inflammation, tension etc. Therefore, you need to start exercise from today, don’t let it for tomorrow.
Which type of exercises should I do to lose belly fat?
Few exercises play an important role to burn belly fat fast, which includes…
Move belly circular
Skip up
Do jumps
Take proteins instead of fast food
 30%-40% of calories of protein are burned in digestion as compared to calories of carbs, which burned only 5%-8%. Through which you can save 50% of calories. Therefore add proteins to your diet, if you want to lose belly fat.

Which type of food should I take to lose belly fat?

A Denmark study showed that, fruits and vegetables are linked to reduced fats in our body. Therefore try to use
Fish and sea food
Meats and dairy products
Unprocessed egg
Take too much Water

Which type of food should I not take to lose belly fat?

Denmark study also finds that oily and refined carbs can increase belly fats. Therefore try not to take these items.
Fast food
Oily stuff

Any Herbal Product To Lose Belly Fat

ARQ-E-MEHZAL is a product of Lasani pharmacy, which is being used to lose belly fat and weight. It is harmless because it is produced from herbal formulation. It has no side effects as well. Benefits of using this syrup includes
Reduce extra fats
Improves metabolism
Tone up body shape
Detoxifies body and restrict absorption of toxins to body
Improve functioning of liver and stomach

How to use ARQ-E-MEHZAL?

According to doctor’s prescription
Retail price in Pakistan: 300

Hair Falling Out Remedies For Home

Nowadays hair falling out is too common. Every 9th person got hair falling problem and the number is increasing day-by-day. According to a doctor, we are losing 20-50 hairs within a day and replaced with new hair. The problem arises, when hair falling out ratio is getting greater than replacing ratio. In this case you have to start worry and consult with  your doctor. If you are not consulting with a physician, you can also make home remedies for hair growth. Following are some homemade remedies for hair growth.

Which type of oils should I take to strengthen my hair?

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil for hair falling out
Coconut oil is one of the best oil to strengthen hair and it also reduces hair loos. It got essential proteins and minerals, which strengthen hair and reduces hair breakage. If your hair falling problem, just use Coconut oil as a remedy for hair falls.  
How to use Coconut Oil?
  •   First of all warm up coconut oil, because in normal condition, it is quite thicker to put on hair.
  • Once you warmed oil, just put on your hair with your hand.
  • Now try to massage it for at least 10 minutes. 
  •  Wash after 5 hours
Olive Oil +Egg
Olive oil plus egg for hair
Egg contains sulphur, selenium, phosphorous, zinc, iodine and other proteins. It is another best option to strengthen hair and it can also reduce hair loss. Olive oil is also good for hair falling out problems. It can also grow your hair with strengthen.
How to apply Egg on hair?
  •  First of all, take white of an egg and mix it with required olive oil.
  •   Mix it and make a paste.
  • Now just apply it on your hair and massage.
  •  Just wash after half an hour.
Onion Juice
Onion juice for hair
Onion also contains sulphur, which is being used to grow hair and it can also controlling hair fall. An American studies shown that, applying onion juice for 1 month can grow new hair on the scalp. It means, people who wants to grow new hair, they can simply make onion juice and use it for 1 month to see the impact.
How to make onion juice?
  • You need to chop few onions and squeeze out its juice.
  • Apply juice on effect area and left it for half an hour.
  • Wash your head with a mild shampoo.
  • Use it for 1 month and see the impact.
Why the heck is my hair falling out?
Hereditary Hair Loss
According to AAD this is the most common cause of hair fall. This problem is arises due to genetics known as androgenetic alopecia. In this case, if your parents got hair falling out problem, then it is transferring to their offspring. 
Growth of hair depends on thyroid hormone but when the body started producing little thyroid hormones, your hair started falling out. Hypothyroidism causes, hair fall, weight gain, depression, constipation etc.
How to treat Hypothyroidism?
This hormone is produced by pituitary gland. Therefore you need to consult a doctor, if you are facing deficiency in hormones.
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron deficiency is common in women, particularly during heavy periods and after pregnancy.  Iron produces red blood cells, which are responsible to transport oxygen to all over the body.
Which food contains iron?
Try to eat iron-rich food in order to increase red blood cells. Food that contains iron, includes, fish, beef, leafy greens, cereals, beans etc.  Women should take more than 18mg of iron per day, while in pregnancy and in periods.
Too much shampooing and dyeing
Excessive styling is another big reason of hair falling out. Nowadays different kinds of shampoos and dyeing chemicals are responsible of hair loss. A part from dyeing and shampooing, people also use colours, keratin, blow-drying and massaging with unknown oils, which are responsible of hair loss.

What are the precautions for excessive styling?

First of all, you need to consult your doctor. Secondly, just avoid all those appliances, which overheat your hair. When you’re dyeing, don’t put chemical to your scalp or skin.

Is there any medicine for hair falling out?

Yeah, there are number of medicines for hair falling out. Such as
Note: Do not Use Any Medicine without Doctor’s Prescription 
iphenylcyclopropenone DPCP
Rosemary Oil
Licorice Extracts
Nioxin Vitamins

Function of Fruits And Vegetables: Linked With Our Body Parts

Fruits Linked With Our Body Parts 

As we all know that, nature is full of clues and signatures. Resemblance is an ancient European philosophy, which says, nature has a clue and signature in its shape, which tells us the purpose. There are number of fruits and vegetables out there, which are good for certain parts of the body and also resembles with the parts.

1-      Carrot is linked with Eye

carrot is linked with eye
Carrot’s inner part is look like human eye and it enhances blood flow plus vitamins to the eyes. It means, taking carrots can be helpful to gain some eye sight. If your eye sight is weak, you just have to start using carrots, because it flow blood to the eyes.
2-     Tomato is linked with Heart

Tomato is linked with Heart
Tomato’s inner part is also look like heart, because it also contains four chambers. Secondly, it is red just like the heart and contains lycopine, which purifies blood within the body. Thirdly, red blood cells become stronger through tomato. 

3-     Walnut is linked with Brain

Walnut is linked with Brain
Again, walnut is look like our brain. It helps in developing neuro transmitters of our brain and produces more than 4 dozen neuro transmitters.

4-    Avocado and Pear is linked with Womb and Cervix of female

Avocado and Pear is linked with Womb and Cervix of female
Avocados and Pears are look like womb and cervix of female organ. It has been showed from latest researches that; female should take these two fruits while pregnancy in order to balance the hormones and shed unwanted birth weight. You will amaze to see that, an Avocado takes the same nine months to grow as a child takes.

5-     Sweet Potato is linked with Pancreas

Sweet Potato is linked with Pancreas
Sweet potato resembles pancreas, which balances diabetes. It is antioxidant agent, through which your body tissues are protected. Pancreatic juice digest our food and it help in producing that juice.

6-    Beans are linked with Kidney

Beans are linked with Kidney
Beans are linked with kidney, because beans are kidney shaped.  According to an American research, it heals and enhances kidney functions. Secondly, it purifies water within the kidney.

7-     Onion is linked with body cell

Onion is linked with body cell
According to a recent research, onion cleans waste materials in our body through cells. Secondly, onion produces tears, through which epithelial layers of eyes are being washed.

8-    Ginger is linked with Stomach

Ginger is linked with Stomach
Ginger helps in digestion of food. It also adds more flavor to your food. According to a recent research Chinese and Indian are using ginger for over 6000 years. They calm stomach and motion sickness.

9-    Mushroom is linked with ear

Mushroom is linked with ear
You cannot imagine the power of mushroom, because it improves hearing abilities. It contains vitamin D, which is healthy for ear bones. It enhances three tiny bones in the ear, which are responsible to transmit sound to the brain.

10-Orange is linked with Breast

Orange also looks like mammary gland of female. It actually moves lymph in and out, through which circulation of blood flows to each and every vein of mammary gland. Secondly, using grapefruit inhibit the breast cancer in females.